Human Trafficking Statement

The following statement sets out the steps The ARM Companies (“ARM”) has taken in relation to our responsibilities under Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or our supply chain.

Respect for Human Rights

Our respect for human rights is fundamental to and informs our broader business; it guides us in how we treat and train our employees and how we work with clients and our vendors.  In tandem with our business principles, our Code of Conduct and Ethics articulates ARM’s commitment to integrity and honesty in everything we do, and plays an important role in determining our responsibilities as corporate citizens.  They help to inform our business selection process and to guide our business decisions and judgments.

We unequivocally condemn human trafficking and modern slavery in all forms, anywhere it occurs and for any reason – cultural, religious, or financial.  In turn, we equally condemn the action or inaction of corporations, governments, religious and secular institutions and any other individuals or organizations which directly or indirectly support the existence of this trade.

Our business

ARM provides strategy and management consulting services to clients involved in the real estate industry, expertise and guidance to global expert networks, multinational corporations, not-for-profit organizations as well as to individuals. Our procurement capabilities, together with our industry-leading market intelligence, allow our clients to efficiently and access the knowledge and expertise needed to improve their real estate operations. Founded in 2019, ARM is a private company with its main office in New York.

Our supply chain

Our employees are competent and highly qualified individuals, whether by experience and/or education. They are thus very empowered and extremely unlikely to be subjected to slavery. Additionally, they are carefully vetted and only participate in interactions with clients in accordance with our compliance framework which contains numerous provisions regarding eligibility and conduct.

Of the remaining suppliers to our business, the principal concentration is as follows:

  • Suppliers of printed marketing materials;
  • Suppliers of technology infrastructure, software and related services;
  • Suppliers of office supplies, equipment and related services; and
  • Suppliers of hospitality accommodations.

Given the nature of these suppliers and the frequency of our interaction with them, we consider the risk of slavery and human trafficking in this part of our supply chain to be ‘low’. Our contracts concerning this part of our supply chain already contain compliance with “applicable law” and Modern Slavery Act 2015 provisions.

Steps Taken

ARM has a company Code of Conduct which goes to the heart of our values and all new ARM employees undergo an extensive training and onboarding program. Our Code of Conduct contains a company policy on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Additionally, we have integrated anti-slavery and human trafficking clauses into our template supply contracts. Recognizing the complex nature of Modern Slavery, in 2024 ARM will continue to emphasize the importance of collaboration with budget owners and purchasing decision makers to inform and educate them on the risk of Modern Slavery in our supply chain.

Our Continuing Commitment

We will continue to engage with our people and our vendors to raise awareness and to take further steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our business and our supply chain.

This Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for the year ended December 31, 2023 has been drafted and approved by the Managing Principal of The ARM Companies on January 1, 2024 the Principals of each of its subsidiaries that are required to make an annual statement pursuant to section 54 of the MSA.

Signed on behalf of ARM

Andy McQuade's Signature


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